Our Top 5 Freezer Friendly Meals

by Olivia McCrimmon July 26, 2021 2 min read

Our Top 5 Freezer Friendly Meals

There's some days where we're happy to spend the entire day in the kitchen, cooking countless meals and then there's others where cooking one meal can seem too much of a chore. So with the days that you're feeling particularly energetic, it's important to cook recipes that will hold up well in the freezer so that you've always got a quick, nutritious and most importantly, tasty meal that can be ready in minutes. We've listed our favourites below. 

Ragú Di Samo aka Lamb Ragu

Paris and Macca from Meatball & Mac are here to take us through one of their favourite dishes, Lamb Ragu. This dish is full of all the good things in life, butter, cheese, olive oil and carbs... DELISH! You can find the recipe here.

Beef Bourgignon

One of France's national dishes, Beef Bourguignon. Beef slow-cooked in red wine with traditional bacon, how could you go wrong? Finish with Swiss brown mushrooms, shallots and parsley and you’ll be transported to a châteaux in Burgundy. You can find the recipe here.

Beef Bourguignon

Beef Massaman Curry

We were lucky enough to have Bridget from Curry Favour share with us her recipe for cooking up a Beef Massaman Curry, using Curry Favour's fresh curry past. This is a reich, fragrant curry where the meat just falls apart. It's exactly the type of comfort food you want to be eating this winter. You can find the recipe here.

Beef Massaman Curry with Bridget

Nourishing Chicken Soup

Steph's nourishing soup is the perfect recipe to prepare on a wintery weekend afternoon. It creates a gut healing bone broth and is filled with immune boosting ingredients and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Using the whole chicken, you're left with a huge pot of warming soup, which is exactly what you'll be craving on winter afternoons. Portion it up and throw in your freezer, so that you can just grab and go. Find Steph's recipe here.

Nourishing Chicken Soup with Stephanie Gobbo

Ultimate Veggie Bolognese

As comforting as a traditional bolognese but filled with all the nutrition of a big bowl of veg! The base is a cauliflower soffrito, where mushrooms are added for richness and miso paste for that savoury umami. You certainly don't have to be vegetarian to love this dish and if we haven't won you over already, the leftover sauce makes for a ripper lasagne or pie! You can find the recipe here.

The Ultimate Veggie Bolognese